Sunday, November 10, 2013

Web service Jbossws cxf: Enhance the Performance to get the service and the port getSertvice and getPort resolved

I was testing a Web Service developed respecting the JAX-WS specification and deployed on Jboss 6. The stack used by the Jboss is the JBossws-cxf 3.4.

Every time I call the getPort, it takes a good laps of time :

myService = new mydevelopedWSService();
System.out.println("take a port takes time " +System.currentTimeMillis());
mydevelopedWS myPort = myService.getmydevelopedWSPort();

In fact what I have find in the internet and in different forum, is that initializing the service involves reading and parsing the wsdl, and getting the port involves the creation of a dynamic port. Oracle specifies that by getting a dynamic client proxy, the application retrieves and interprets the WSDL and dynamically constructs calls. A dynamic proxy client enables a Web service client to invoke a web servicto invoke a Web service based on a service endpoint interface (SEI) dynamically at run-time (without using clientgen, wsconsume in jboss or wsimport in metro). This option does not rely upon a specific service implementation, providing greater flexibility, but also a greater performance hit.

In JBoss, I was trying to reduce this call time, and have seen that by chanding a properti in a file in the deployers, it can reduce considerably the time.

Here is the change to do. Open the file "stack-agnostic-jboss-beans.xml" located in "C:\jboss-6.1.0.Final\server\myconf\deployers\jbossws.deployer\META-INF". This property

<property name="webServiceHost">${jboss.bind.address}</property>
<property name="modifySOAPAddress">false</property>

 The default value is set to true, which means that JBoss is re-writing the soap-address in the WSDL every time we are retrieving it even if the specified address is valid. I have changed this property to false in order to disable this re-write and the application performance was better.

In JBoss eap 6.1, this parameter can be changed in the Standalone.xml located in JBoss-eap-6.1HOME\standalone\configuration.

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