Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Migration to JBoss EAP 6: How to migrate your project from old JBoss Version to JBoss EAP 6


Step 1: JBoss AS7 / EAP6 download

Download the JBoss EAP 6

Step 2: Configure the DataSource and the JDBC.

The datasource in JBoss AS7 or EAP6 is configured differently from the previous version. Please see this post, which explain how to do it.

Step 3: Hibernate configuration.

Jboss comes with Hibernate 4 version. Once JBoss detests Persistance.xml file, he add implicitely the Hibernate jars. So there is no need to declare an explicit dependency. But in my application, the used version was Hibernate 3. I don't like to move yet to Hibernate 4. So I have created a Hibernate 3 Module which is quit easy as we have the Hibernate module. Please see this post.

Step 4: Configure the Logging

JBoss comes with a logging module, which really is a good think as we are no more obliged to bundle the log4j jars. In the directory "C:\jboss-eap-6.1\standalone\configuration" you find a file named logging.properties, which you can configure to tell JBoss about your preferences. As this task isn't an urgent one, I will left him to later time. So I just configured JBoss to act as in previous version but this should be configured as JBoss implicitely ass the logging jars. To do this, please refer to the post of exclusion jboss logging.

Step 5: Add explicit dependencies 

JBoss comes with a module concept. The class loading is different from old version. So in JBoss, there is implicit loading and explicit loading. The list of implicit module loading is available here.
An explicit JBoss module, is available in JBoss but is not loaded unless the developer specify it in the WEB-INF/Jboss-deployment-structure.xml or  META-INF/Manifest.mf.
The post is under developemt, so it will be available later with more details.

Step 6: Configure the ClassPath and Resolve the Import errors

When changing the JBoss Runtime in the classpath, different errors appears in the imports. Please refer to this post in order to fix the errors.

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