Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Hibernate JPA 2.1 Use multiple database schemas : One database, two schemas

I was working with JPA2.1, Hibernate implementation when I have figured a problem. I have a database with two different schema.

Step 1: Remove validation

If JPA validation is not removed, you will get errors

Step 2:  Define persistence.xml

In the persistence.xml define two persistence-unit each for one schema

Step 3: Define the mapping file

Now we define the two mapping files with schema name.

Step4: Create Entities

Once the entities created, make sure that the class description is located in the right persistence-unit. I have seen that generated with eclipse, by default all classes description will be in the first persistence-unit. 

In the entity itself, you can add also the schema name (You can use the auto-completion as eclispe recognize the two schemas)

@Table(name="myTable", schema="myschema1")

Step 5: Specify the unitName

Every time that you use @PersistenceContext or @PersistenceUnit annotation in your code, you should specify the persistence unit name that you are using.



  1. How do you map the .java classes? in persistence.xml? inside the mapping-file?

    Thanks you Mariem.
    This article is very useful for me.

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