Monday, September 22, 2014

Jboss EAP 6 : Remote Access to Admin Console and To Web Services in JBoss AS 7 / JBoss EAP 6


By default, JBoss can be accessed only locally using the address So I wasn't able to access the console neither to the web Services (once the application deployed, coming below).
To fix that, we need to make some changes in the "jboss-eap-6.2/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml" where I change the IP addresses from to Like this, JBoss will accept remote call to the Console and to the Web Services.

If your Server is locally, there is no need for this Step and go directly to /jboss-eap-6.2/standalone/configuration/Standalone.xml.

In order to make it easy to edit remote files, configure FileZilla to edit your files using your favorite program. So in FileZilla go to Edit->Settings and choose you program.

Come back to Standalone.xml, it should look like this:

So all the addresses are

Now you will be able to access remotely to your Console and to your WSDLs.


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