Thursday, August 30, 2012

Emotional Intelligence in work: The way to be a good manager

Because the work is not limited to acquire new skills, I was excited when viewing some sudies about Emotional Intelligence.

The four pillars of emotional intelligence are :
  • Self Consciousness
  • Self control
  • Self Motivation
  • Empathy
  • Management of other's emotions

1 - Self-Consciousness:

 Have a good knowledge about his mood, emotions, and thoughts at any time and the impact of this emotions on his actual behavior.

2 - Self-Control:

It's about the management  of impulsions and emotions in order to assure a good staff rather than create problems which may have serious consequences. The best is so to try to calm down, keep a positif attitude and concentrate despite the stress. But isn't it simple to say it, and so difficult to put it into practice it! Yes it's true, but some solutions where proposed to manage the emotions especially when they arise suddenly. I will speak about this solutions later on.

3 - Self-Motivation: 

Persevere in spite of difficulties and obstacles. I think that the keys of self motivation are: 
  • to be confident, and if not to try to acquire this confidence.
  • take initiatives and try to change the methods employed before and which didn't give success results
  • do not give up at the first attempts and failures


 4- Empathy: 

To be aware of the other's feeling and problems. It's also to understand their point of view but not necessarily to be in agreement with them. I think this point enforce the acceptence of others and so the diversity in the campany.


5- Management of others' emotions: 

 It's a social intelligence in which a person try to decipher situations, manage his emotions when in contact with other persons and be aware that emotions are contagious.For exemple, when being in contact with stressed people, we feel ourselves stressed also. But by contacting enthusiastic persons, we become like them. The key is then to manage other's emotion by transmitting to them good emotions. A good project manager, is the one who can in addition to his managerial skills, provide good atmosphere in the team. He must understand the emotions of others and change them positively.

The key of success is for sure to have strong knowledges and skills, but without a emotional intelligence, people could not be leaders in their work.
Companies and individuals should be aware of these aspects which are primordial to attempt a real success in the carreer but also in life.

But how to manage their emotions ?

 We cannot manage the time of emotion occurence, but at least, we are able to manage the Emotion Duration and its Intensity.
So to manage the duration and intensity of the emotion, 4 techniques are proposed:
  • Distraction
  • Self-Observation
  • Purge
  • Step-back and assess

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